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Highlight for album: June, May, and April fun with Grandma and new baby Darci Mae.
June, May, and April fun with Grandma and new baby Darci Mae.
Darci Mae was born April 15th. She had to go under the blue light for a few days so she finally made it home 4 days later. The big sisters are thrilled.

Created on 04/20/2009, last changed on 09/02/2011. This album contains 106 items.
This album has been viewed 3908 times since 04/21/2009.
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Highlight for album: Martha and Kevin's big day
Martha and Kevin's big day
These are a few of the pictures taken that day. More are to come when we get the ones that Kelly took. What a fun day it was!!!

Created on 03/01/2009, last changed on 03/02/2009. This album contains 26 items.
This album has been viewed 3297 times since 03/01/2009.
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Highlight for album: Henrick's Blessing Day
Henrick's Blessing Day

Created on 02/17/2009, last changed on 02/17/2009. This album contains 5 items.
This album has been viewed 2455 times since 02/17/2009.
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Highlight for album: Utah Trip for Funeral
Utah Trip for Funeral
Pictures taken in Utah January 10th

Created on 01/17/2009, last changed on 10/14/2011. This album contains 28 items.
This album has been viewed 1996 times since 01/17/2009.
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Highlight for album: Black October
Black October
A huge barbie cake, fall colors, halloween costumes

Created on 11/03/2008, last changed on 11/03/2008. This album contains 12 items.
This album has been viewed 2179 times since 11/03/2008.
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Highlight for album: Kids+Heather+Markers
Another quick installment of our virtual art gallery. Mostly group projects.

Created on 10/26/2008, last changed on 07/03/2011. This album contains 8 items.
This album has been viewed 2077 times since 10/26/2008.
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Highlight for album: Nuffer Kids on the Move
Nuffer Kids on the Move
We're playing, exploring, and creating. Late summer 2008.

Created on 10/15/2008, last changed on 05/15/2012. This album contains 25 items.
This album has been viewed 1948 times since 10/15/2008.
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Highlight for album: Paul and his tonsils
Paul and his tonsils
Paul on the day his tonsils came out. Warning: photos of REAL tonsils are at the end, so don't look at them if you can't handle human tissue samples!

Created on 10/15/2008, last changed on 10/16/2008. This album contains 6 items.
This album has been viewed 2207 times since 10/15/2008.
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Highlight for album: Fall 2008 with an iphone
Fall 2008 with an iphone
A few random shots from my iphone!

Created on 10/13/2008, last changed on 05/15/2012. This album contains 11 items.
This album has been viewed 1884 times since 10/13/2008.
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Highlight for album: Nuffer Family Pics
Nuffer Family Pics
Various pictures from our family since July

Created on 10/05/2008, last changed on 10/10/2012. This album contains 40 items.
This album has been viewed 3899 times since 10/05/2008.

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