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Highlight for album: January Snow at the beach house
January Snow at the beach house

Created on 01/15/2007, last changed on 01/15/2007. This album contains 3 items.
This album has been viewed 1715 times since 01/15/2007.
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Highlight for album: New Dresses
New Dresses
New dresses, old dresses, new toys, dancing fun

Created on 01/08/2007, last changed on 05/15/2012. This album contains 34 items.
This album has been viewed 3288 times since 01/08/2007.
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Highlight for album: Christmas 2006
Christmas 2006
Just a few pictures of our Christmas and good times had by all

Created on 01/02/2007, last changed on 01/15/2012. This album contains 32 items.
This album has been viewed 3078 times since 01/02/2007.
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Highlight for album: Nuffer Family Christmas Photos 2006
Nuffer Family Christmas Photos 2006

Created on 12/21/2006, last changed on 01/15/2012. This album contains 11 items.
This album has been viewed 2668 times since 12/21/2006.
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Highlight for album: Quentin Larry Nuffer Dec.11, 2006
Quentin Larry Nuffer Dec.11, 2006
The New Nuffer

Created on 12/18/2006, last changed on 09/26/2008. This album contains 28 items.
This album has been viewed 3845 times since 12/18/2006.
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Highlight for album: Dec 2006
Dec 2006
Snowshoeing, getting warm, gingerbread houses, and silly bubble baths

Created on 12/13/2006, last changed on 01/15/2012. This album contains 18 items.
This album has been viewed 2223 times since 12/13/2006.
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Highlight for album: Fall 2006
Fall 2006
Just a few pictures of our fall

Created on 12/12/2006, last changed on 01/15/2012. This album contains 17 items.
This album has been viewed 1693 times since 12/12/2006.
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Highlight for album: Rhya's birthday - way back in July
Rhya's birthday - way back in July
Some pictures from Rhya's birthday on July 17, sorry it has taken so long!

Created on 11/19/2006, last changed on 11/19/2006. This album contains 15 items.
This album has been viewed 1620 times since 11/19/2006.
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Highlight for album: Mostly Our Southern Utah Vacation
Mostly Our Southern Utah Vacation
St. George, Zion NP, Bryce NP, Cedar Breaks NM, Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Snow Canyon, The Maize, our volcano, St. George Temple grounds, Olympic Park, and Cove Fort!

Created on 11/16/2006, last changed on 11/16/2006. This album contains 27 items.
This album has been viewed 1653 times since 11/16/2006.
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Highlight for album: oct-nov
Garden fresh carrot eaters, Dorothy's 3rd birthday, Glenda's 5th birthday, Reunion Family picture, Flowers from funeral, Fun with craft project masks, How silly Dory can be when trying to take a nice picture of her.

Created on 11/16/2006, last changed on 01/05/2007. This album contains 39 items.
This album has been viewed 2954 times since 11/16/2006.

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