Yes, we went into the taqueria just to take a photo with a business display. (It was on our list!) They just kind of laughed at us.
Viewed: 1481 times.
Viewed: 1466 times.
La familia Torres. I made it back home!
Viewed: 1458 times.
Julian came along for our little viaje a mexico.
Viewed: 1488 times.
Hecho en Mexico. Well, except that we're completely white! (but then there is Julian. . . )
Viewed: 1387 times.
The streets of Nuevo Progreso!
Viewed: 1411 times.
Another shot with a troca in the way...
Viewed: 1384 times.
So Mrs. Torres says "look!" Awesome! I want a picture. Ah! now imagine me running down the streets in Mexico to take a picture of a guy in a buggy. Sure did. (It's really not that hard to imagin is it??)
Viewed: 1430 times.
The nice Mexicans just chilling on the sidewalks see me booking it down the street. They're helping me ... correle...and yelling at the man to tell him I want a photo. Great memory. I got quite a few other shots too, they kept telling me to take another. So I did. They were nice. Then I found my way back to the main street and my friends. Crazy Martha running down the streets of Mexico talking to the natives in my broken Spanish. So great.
Viewed: 1498 times.
andale, andale!
Viewed: 1343 times.
I was super close to buying a huge sombrero. I mean, I was already a total American tourist.
Viewed: 1318 times.
Por que no te vienes con nosotros?
Viewed: 1415 times.
Kind of like my split personality. j/k
Viewed: 1390 times.
That's Mrs. Torres driving across. She took all of our loot and met us on the other side.
Viewed: 1366 times.
el rio grande
Viewed: 1378 times.
I'm glad Rey knew me as a sister first! I think he may think I'm crazy now. :)
Viewed: 1442 times.
I'm such a great photographer again, huh? I was just excited to be walking on the bridge between the two countries!
Viewed: 1432 times.
Do you think they let Ryan and Julian through customs? They're almost was a close call. (OK so really there was no problem. I just got a funny smirk from the guard when I told him about my elote I ate. I really wasn't trying to be funny...)
Viewed: 1426 times.
Let me translate -- STOP.
Viewed: 1437 times.
Oh, HEB. The only grocery store in South Texas. (P.S. Notice the low gas prices in the corner??)
Viewed: 1531 times.
I bet they were all for an obstacle course...
Viewed: 1321 times.
Don't drink the tap water...get it from one of the THOUSANDS of water mills. (You really don't want to taste it from the tap.)
Viewed: 1444 times.
My new friends the Dewey's I met in Alice.
Viewed: 1409 times.