Rhya's goggles
Viewed: 1897 times.
We got all three of the kids goggles and they were them in the bath sometimes, but Rhya wears them whenever she chooses
Viewed: 1757 times.
She is wearing overalls, but she found some other pants of hers and decided to put them on OVER her overalls
Viewed: 1650 times.
The boys at the OMSI water discovery area
Viewed: 1641 times.
Rhya's area
Viewed: 1764 times.
There she is
Viewed: 1701 times.
She also liked the sand area
Viewed: 1838 times.
Who wouldn't?
Viewed: 1803 times.
It was the most popular area that day
Viewed: 1777 times.
Toric being creative
Viewed: 1738 times.
Kyton, ready to take off into outerspace!
Viewed: 1747 times.
All three in the space capsule
Viewed: 1692 times.
Rhya got the wanderlust and found the hollow tree
Viewed: 1706 times.
How Kyton eats cake when I can't stop him
Viewed: 1669 times.
Coda and Rhya swinging. They almost fell asleep.
Viewed: 1735 times.
Toric pushing Cadence, who is morning the loss of her shoes
Viewed: 1660 times.
This is Rhya's cheesy grin
Viewed: 1696 times.
Toric, Kyton and Rhya on Kerr's deck
Viewed: 1804 times.
Rhya must do what her brothers do, it doesn't matter that she is too short
Viewed: 1672 times.
Our family easter egg cookie, the kids decorated it, mostly.
Viewed: 1792 times.
The headstand crew
Viewed: 1792 times.
All three steamrolling mom. Notice Rhya's goggles!
Viewed: 1869 times.